Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ode to Girlfriends

Okay, so I've had a glass of wine or two...but I thought it quite appropriate to devote a post to my girlfriends.

As working Moms, we are challenged for time. Between work, kids' activities, homework, dinner and (hopefully) exercise, how do we fit in social time with our friends? Well, I look at my time with my girlfriends as absolutely necessary and part of my "mental health" routine.

When I'm with my friends, I can share my biggest challenges at work, I can discuss the fight I had with my husband last week and I can ask for their advice regarding my latest parenting challenge. Who else can you do this with? Who else accepts and understands the way your best girlfriends do?

Often times, we look at our friends and our social time as a luxury because we are so busy. But I believe that this is the wrong way to think of it. Spending time with my friends makes me a better Mom, a better wife and even a better employee. Thankfully, I have a husband who understands this and is quite supportive of my time with friends.

So the next time you think you are too busy or too tired for that drink after the kids go to bed, think again. Make the time and reconnect with friends. It's definitely worth it.


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